Tuesday, 7 July 2015

10 Ways You Know You're A Bookworm

When I checked into Goodreads, I saw a link that said, "Sound Familiar, Bookworms?", followed by the caption "21 Ways You Know You're a Goodreads Member."
The link turned out to be a member-generated Goodreads post listing 21 things a Goodreads member does.

I thought, "Huh, okay. Why not?"
Then I remembered assorted posts I saw on Pinterest: "You Know You're A Harry Potter Fan When..." "You Know You're a Hunger Games Fan When..." and stuff like that.
And then I thought, "Why not make my own?"
Therefore this post.

 You know you're a bookworm when...

1)...you can quote verbatim entire passages from your favourite books

2)...when you meet someone new, and during your first conversation, they mention that they like one of your favourite books, you feel you've met a kindred soul (and if they say they hate it, you think, "I now have no interest in furthering this acquaintanceship")

3)...you can argue for hours about a book or a character ("I feel sorry for Draco Malfoy. I like him." "He's such a bully! Remember 'Weasley is our King'? That's so spiteful!" "He's insecure." "Right, which is why he struts around, all like, 'MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS'.")

4)...you randomly make references in your conversations

5)...you light up like a row of diyas on Diwali when someone understands and appreciates a fictional reference you've made ("YESSSSSS! You understand me!"or, as Tony Stark would say:

6)...your to-do-someday list includes drinking blue Coke, or having Butterbeer, or something that only people in books do ("Can we buy blue food colouring? I want to put some in a glass of Coke.")

7)...your family or friends have to yell in your ear or snatch away your book if they're trying to get your attention while you're reading

8)...you don't notice hunger or thirst or time when you're reading ("You haven't eaten for seven hours." "Hmm? Oh, no, I'm not hungry. Look, I'm in the middle of a battle scene, so...")

9)...when your parents or some other adult ask you to sort out books, you eagerly agree and once you start, refuse to take a break until you're done (unless you discover a much-loved book you haven't read in ages and decide to reread it, right there in the middle of the floor)

10)...when you finish a really good book, you talk so much about it, your family seriously considers locking you up and throwing away the key
