Friday, 31 August 2012

Cartwheels in the Rain...

It began in second grade.
I don't recall exactly, but I had to write something for school. The last four words : "cartwheels in the rain". That has stuck in my mind ever since.

Cartwheels are an acrobatic move I'm pretty familiar with. You lunge (a posture used to begin various moves) then kick off onto your hands. You put one foot down and come upright once you bring the other one down. Not a very good description, but it's hard to describe. And of course, it's fun.

Cartwheels, I knew. Rain, I knew. But together...? I'd never done it.
Until I was in fifth grade, I didn't know how it would be. Then suddenly I was caught in a downpour in a grassy area. It was too tempting to resist. I sprang off onto my hands, though at the time I couldn't do two in a row. I'd do one, stop for barely three seconds, then do another. I must have turned more than ten cartwheels. I stopped finally and told my friend, who was screaming and running through the rain in delight (normal behaviour for both of us and the other kids in the place), "I like this. This is what I've always wanted to do." Then I gave a high-pitched scream and began running through the rain.

Cartwheels in the rain. Perfect name for a blog, I decided.
And I think it is.

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